Craft Query API for Craft CMS
The Craft Query API is a Craft CMS API Plugin that makes Craft's query builder accessible across any frontend. It allows you to dynamically build Craft CMS dynamic queries via URL parameters, enabling flexible, data access in your headless Craft CMS setup
Flexible API Queries
Fetch content via URL parameters for dynamic data retrieval.
Unified Content Access
Retrieve addresses, assets, entries, and users with one API.
Image Transforms
Detects and configures ImagerX transforms for optimized images.
- Dynamic URL-Based Queries: Easily build and execute Craft CMS dynamic queries directly from URL parameters, enabling flexible, real-time data retrieval for headless Craft CMS or traditional setups.
- Get Only the Data You Need: Avoid overfetching by using a custom function in the query builder to select only the fields you require.
- Pretty JSON Responses: JSON Transformers prettify the response for better readability.
- Native and Custom Field Detection: Automatically detects native Craft CMS fields and custom fields across all element types.
- Comprehensive Content API: Supports querying for addresses, assets, entries, and users, providing a complete Content API for Craft CMS.
- Prerendering Support: Fetch all active page URLs for prerendering, static site generation, or enhanced performance.
- Optimized Data Retrieval: High-performance content access with smart caching strategies ensures your queries run fast.
ImagerX Support
The Craft Query API Plugin automatically detects named transforms and widths defined in your ImagerX configuration. When querying images, it applies these pre-defined transformations, returning an optimized srcset for each image.
The Craft Query API Plugin integrates seamlessly with ImagerX. It detects and applies named transforms and widths from your configuration. When querying images, these transformations automatically return an optimized srcset
Usage in Frontend
The Craft Query API Plugin is highly adaptable. It comes with npm packages for Vue, Nuxt, and TypeScript, making integration seamless. These packages enable developers to easily use the query builder to fetch data dynamically from your frontend with minimal configuration.
Example with Nuxt:
const { data, error } = await useCraftQuery('entries')
.fields(['title']) // add more field handles if you like
if (error.value) {
This approach simplifies the process of querying Craft CMS with JavaScript, making it a powerful tool for dynamic data retrieval.
Why not GraphQl?
GraphQL requires detailed schemas, fragments, which can feel counterproductive for developers focused on efficiency.
Steep Learning Curve
If you're new to GraphQL, the syntax, schema design, error handling and tooling like Apollo can take significant time to learn. The Craft Query API Plugin works right out of the box like you were used to in twig.
Built for Large Orgs
GraphQL was originally developed by Facebook to address specific challenges they faced while building and maintaining their large-scale applications. It is often an overkill for smaller projects.
Overhead and Architectural Complexity
Flexibility in GraphQL leads to a lot things you have to think of. Maintainability and error handling is hard with graphQl. The Craft CMS Query API eliminates this overhead.
Prop Drilling
If the software architecture is not thoughtfully designed, it can lead to prop drilling everywhere. Data fetched in a parent component must be passed through multiple layers of child components. This approach complicates state management, increases maintenance overhead, and detracts from the overall developer experience.
Available Integrations
The Craft Query API offers several integrations for modern frontend frameworks:
- Js Craft CMS API: The core package, you can build wrappers around it to support your framework. If you want to build a wrapper around it for your framework -> Hit me up :)
- Vue Craft CMS: A package to use the query builder in Vue.
- Nuxt Craft CMS: A package to use the query builder in Nuxt.